Pop Culture Junkette

Addicted to pop culture.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Courthouse chic

I have refrained from posting about the Britney Spears saga for months, but this was so funny I couldn't help myself:
Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon asked the clerk to swear her in under
oath. Spears raised her right hand and said "I do.”
He then asked Spears to
state her name, and she responded, "Britney." Gordon clarified, "Your full
name." She replied, "Britney Spears."
He then said, "The petitioner is
wearing sunglasses, but counsel said there is a medical condition."

Source: Us Weekly

Am I the only one cracking up that she only gave her first name? Or is this something most people might do? And as for the sunglasses...perhaps she was at the ophthalmologist and got her eyes dilated?
