Pop Culture Junkette

Addicted to pop culture.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

He is everywhere

Maybe it's because when I was a kid, my father, brother, and I would watch Knight Ridder (coming soon to a theatre near you). Maybe it was seeing the kids in Austria with their Hasselhoff backpacks. Maybe it's the sheer cheesiness of it all. (I think it's the last.) But there is just no escaping the Hoff. Last night, I'm watching the Mavs/Suns game, and who is sitting in the front row, but Michael Knight himself. Turns out he was there because Mavs star player, Dirk Nowitski is a fan . . . of the Hoff's music. I guess we need to cut Dirk some slack, he is German.

Here's my NBA thought of the day: If Miami and Phoenix end up playing for the title, how many is it the Heat or the Suns bad jokes/comments are we going to hear? Or lines about the battle of the retirees? There really are a lot of possibilities here.


Blogger Red Fraggle said...

What I think is so funny is the way in which the Hoff has embraced the cheese. He must know everyone laughs, right? But it doesn't seem to bother him. Impressive.

5/28/2006 8:11 AM  

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