Pop Culture Junkette

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A long time ago, we used to be friends


Okay, now that I have that out of the way (and I hope I filled the top of this post with enough to let everyone who has yet to watch avert their eyes.

Oh my god!

In the first five minutes of the show, when we learned that Woody Goodman (who, by the way, I didn't realize was Steve Guttenberg until THIS episode) had chlamydia I was convinced Duncan was going to figure into this as one of Woody's victims. Obviously, I was laughably off the mark.

I was not shocked that Cassidy (it seems wrong to call him Beaver now) was a Goodman victim--we had figured out he was molested weeks ago. But that he was the killer? I was blown away (seriously, no pun intended). And that he did rape Veronica? This whole year I have been so fond of Cassidy. I was proud of him when he invested all of that money successfully. I rooted for him and Mac. I was sorry for him when he implicated his father. And now I feel betrayed! I'm still stunned.

And Logan and Veronica, back together? Ahhhhh. I figure it won't last; that, like last year, I will only get to see them together briefly at the end of the season and next year they are sure to split up. But I did try my best to enjoy it while it lasted. One (very) small critique--I would have liked to see some Logan and Veronica fallout after the prom episode, but that didn't happen. I was happy enough that they were together to get over it, though.

I loved the entire episode. In addition to the big reveal, there was so much more: Veronica's opening dream was so great--I liked seeing what life would have been like had Lily not died (and loved that Lily went to Vassar as well as her engaging in same-sex action to impress a guy while there--believe me, definitely realistic). And Jackie is a teenage mom, Weevil never did get to walk across the stage, Aaron got his and, last but not least, the town needs a new mayor and a new sheriff (goodbye Lamb--you will truly be missed).

Now, of course, we have new questions to answer: What is Keith going to do for Kendall? Did Veronica win the Kane scholarship (she skipped her last test, so I assume not) and where is she going to college (I think we all assume Hearst, as it makes sense for the story, and anyway, the $10,000 Keith got for getting Goodman can't put Veronica through Stanford)? What happens to Weevil?

I can't wait until next season!


Blogger Bailey Quarters said...

Wait, was Lamb on the plane? I missed that.

Catherine at unrequited narcissism totally called Cassidy as the killer yesterday. But I didn't want to believe it. I guess he can work on "Big Love" full-time now.

I also didn't get that the guy who killed Aaron was Clarence Wiedeman (Kane's director of security) until I read the TWOP recaplet.

There are still so many mysteries! What will happen with Weevil? What's in briefcase? Why did someone scratch a message for Amber on Beaver's car?

And, as people have pointed out, Duncan answered the phone by calling Clarence "CW" -- that totally means the show is coming back, right?

5/10/2006 9:05 AM  
Blogger Red Fraggle said...

Oh, maybe Lamb isn't dead. I assumed he was based on what Keith said about Lamb pulling him off of the plane at the last minute so he couldn't be in the photo op. But I guess Lamb could have been doing all of that remotely. I hope so--Lamb is an excellent foil.

I figured it was Clarence because Duncan called him CW, but I totally didn't realize it as he shot Aaron.

And I totally forgot about the message for Amber on Cassidy's car! There is so much to be answered (although nothing as big as last season's "who is at the door?").

5/10/2006 10:48 AM  

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