Pop Culture Junkette

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Don't Go Fishing, AJ

A few weeks ago, I posted comparing AJ, in his desire to emulate Michael Corleone to Fredo. See here. Well, what was apparent but not overt has now come into the open in this week's outstanding episode. AJ, whose desolate life is truly pathetic (contra Michael, Dartmouth grad and war hero), now decides to try to whack Uncle Junior. Not surprisingly, his attempt is no more successful than Fredo's was when he tried to defend his father . But the best part of the whole thing is when AJ tries to justify his behavior by citing Michael's whacking of the Turk and McCloskey to his father. Poor, misguided AJ--he can't comprehend the differences between the situations. He couldn't even come up with a well thought out plan for the hit or even trying to escape. (Remember, Michael made it safely to Sicily.) Only thanks to Councilman Zellman (Peter "Boone" Riegert, where are you?) does he get to avoid prison.

In the other major development, Vito finds love in NH. Yet, while he has come out of one closet, there is another lie he continues to tell, a secret that will likely kill him. He is not writing a biography of Rocky Marciano and the lie he is telling (and trying to believe) is that he is an author, not a mob captain. Vito can't escape who he is, whether in terms of his sexuality or his criminal past. The ending could be ugly.


Blogger Laura Ingalls Wilder said...

Did you notice that in the scene where AJ was fishing with Tony, his hair was long and only a scene before his hair was obviously much shorter. Gotta love the ability to rewind in Tivo.

But I agree -- outstanding episode. Where was Meadow, though?

5/04/2006 2:35 PM  

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