Pop Culture Junkette

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Goodness Grey-cious, what a good episode!

I finally caught up on this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy and it was such a treat! This episode was my favorite of the season. Every story line was captivating, but the stories were also realistic and not overdone (maybe with the exception of George’s girlfriend living in the hospital). I loved George’s defense of Mer to her Dad, Bailey’s humanity with the spelling bee champ, and Alex’s gutsy defense of his practice and the heart-to-heart prompted by his dose of honesty (plus, the advice from mother to daughter was fantastic). I hope that we see more of this type of Grey’s in the future, with episodes that focus on the complexity of the characters, rather than on ER-esque shock value. I can’t wait until next Sunday!


Blogger Red Fraggle said...

I liked this episode too, but Gobo and I were both bothered by Alex totally telling off Burke. It just isn't realistic. If you tell off your boss like that, you get fired, even if you are right. They do that whole telling-off superiors thing a lot on Grey's, and it is starting to annoy me. I thought Christina's reaction to the Chief was far more realistic.

Of course, they probably couldn't have had Alex get that thought out in any other way, since he no longer has any friends on the show to complain to.

I also thought it was out-of-character for Burke to kick out George just because Christina decided to walk into the kitchen in the nude. But I will give them a pass on that one since it was really just comic relief.

4/04/2006 1:06 PM  
Blogger Bailey Quarters said...

Also, Chris O'Donnell as Meredith's new love interest, a veterinarian? I really dislike Meredith, so I would hate to see her end up with a nice, cute, cool guy.

4/04/2006 1:46 PM  

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