Pop Culture Junkette

Addicted to pop culture.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Hello fellow junkettes. I've been away on a very important mission, but I missed you all terribly, and I'm happy to be back.

I think I might be the only junkette who watches this show, so I have to post to say that Friday's season finale of Battlestar Galactica was excellent. BSG is such a great show. I know that there are a lot of sci fi haters out there, but don't let your hate keep you from giving it a try. As you may recall from the 1970s version, the context of the show is that the humans are on the run from the cylons, who are bent on destroying their civilization. Using this as a backdrop, the show has explored themes such as the morality of torture, religious fundamentalism, and the feasibility of democratic rule in a time of war. Ring any bells?

Anyway, Friday's show featured great acting, plot developments that totally change the framework of the show, and hair extensions! You have until October to catch up on the miniseries and the first two seasons, all of which are available on iTunes.