Bill Clinton and the shaky thumb
Last night Bill Clinton was a guest on the Daily Show. It was pretty great, but I noticed Clinton's thumb shaking, seemingly uncontrollably, throughout his first segment on the show. When he came back after the commercial break his hand was off-camera, so there were no more sightings of the shaky thumb.
I was curious about what might be wrong, so I did an Google search for "Clinton shaking thumb" and "Clinton shaky thumb," but alas, all I found were articles about Bill giving a thumbs up, or Bill shaking hands with others.
Am I the only one who noticed this? Does anyone know if there's a problem?
Labels: Politics
Mrs. Bartender noticed this as well. It is worrisome.
I also noticed. Parkinsons?
At least it wasn't my imagination. My first thought was Parkinson's as well. But, it could also be the result of a muscle spasm. I'm only 48 and the thumb of the hand I write with (left) very occassionally will do that, it also "clicks" sometimes when I bend it. I've never even thought about mentioning it to a doctor - just thought it was part of the inevitable body breakdown.
Too much hand jockey, muscles are shot...
It wasn't just his thumb, both of his hands were shaking.
My father is about Bill Clinton's age and his hands also do this. He is in perfect health otherwise...
Hillary Clinton said she didn't want to be vetted for veep unless she was definitely going to be the veep. My wild imagination went wild when I saw his shaking thumb, pointed it out, and someone said, "Parkinsons." So then, I thought, "That's why she didn't want to be vetted. She wanted to keep Bill's illness secret." Uh-oh, rumor mill abounds...
Okay, I went to Web MD and posted the results:
Parkinsons, benign tremor or hypoglycema
I saw it too and thought it was odd. There was no reason for him to be nervous. I thought parkinson's too.
While the thumb shaking was rather dramatic, I was much more concerned by the lack of his usual facial animation. It seemed to improve towards the end. I went to bed last night worrying that Pres. Clinton has Parkinson's but hoping he was just very tired.
-Anonymous M.D.
Both the lack of expressions and tremors (shaking thumb) are symptoms of Parkinson's. I noticed it on the daily show too
My father in law has Parkinsons. When my wife and I watched this Daily Show interview, she immediately thought Clinton showed the same signs. The thumb/hand tremors were obvious, but also the way he was responding, having some difficulty with the humor, and a somewhat dulled interaction. This is so strikingly different than Clinton's famous personality strengths of being so quick and perceptive and always on the same wavelength of whoever he is talking to. It reminded her of her step-dad, where his condition makes it seem like he is a half step slow in responding now, like it just takes more energy than it used to to process the emotions and interaction.
I sure hope she's wrong.
Ditto... I saw the independent thumb tremor too and thought that he was slow to respond as well
I saw a hand tremor from Bill Clinton on CNN's live coverage of Ted Kennedy's funeral today. I did some checking on Google to see if someone else noticed and found this blog post. Could be Parkinson's, Essential Tremor, or possibly drug or alcohol withdrawal.
His hand was shaking today at Sen. Kennedy's funeral. I wondered.
Saw the same hand tremor at Sen Kennnedy's funeral as he was holding the program.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm a neurologist. It looks like he has essential tremor.
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Bill Clinton has essential tremor. It is not new. He has had it for a long time.
My specialists told me this (I have it also), but he said he "couldn't tell me" how he knows it. Since there are only a handfull of specialits that work on ET (literally just a handful) he probably has heard it off the record from whoever actually treated Clinton.
I wish people like Bill Clinton would be more open about ET. It is a very misunderstood disease in the general public. The social problems (repeatedly explaining what you have, that it's benign, and that you don't have parkinsons) far out weigh the physical problems.
P.S.--Bill Clinton DOES NOT have parkinson's. ET and parkinsons are not related in any way, shape, or form.
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