Pop Culture Junkette

Addicted to pop culture.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It was '80s night!

This week's issue of Us Weekly features their 20 best makeovers, with Carrie Underwood and Katie Holmes headlining the list.

I love Katie's new haircut. I think it's super cute, and even though her old hair was fine as well, it is nice to see her sporting something other than long and big-waved like most of her contemporaries. (Although points probably need to be subtracted since it looked so much like Posh's hair and she got the cut when they were hanging out all of the time, so it does seem to look a bit like copying and loses some of its orginality.) And it did make a big difference in her look, so she is a fair addition to the list.

But Carrie Underwood? All she did was lose some weight. Does a diet really count as a makeover? Her hair and makeup look much the same as when she was on American Idol. Which I guess is why Us chose a completely misleading "before" photo for Carrie. Does anyone think Carrie actually walked around with the hair in that shot? Of course not! That was the completely over-the-top hair that the traditionally over-the-top Idol stylists gave her when she sang Heart's "Alone." (Which, incidentally, was one of the all-time greatest Idol performances, and I wasn't even a big Underwood fan, although I liked her more when I found out she is a vegetarian.) The theme of the night was "number one '80s hits." I would completely hate it if someone started passing around photos of me with the crimped side ponytail sitting high on the top of my head and blue eyeshadow that I once wore to an '80s party and declared my typical look an amazing improvement. Aren't there enough unfortunate looks Hollywood stars actually choose and think the better of that could have been highlighted that Us didn't have to stoop to this level? For shame.

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