Pop Culture Junkette

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

I WON!!!!

Yes, I'm Time's Man of the Year. And so are you and you and you.

This is really a new low for the award The editors of Time used to find an individual or two who most shaped the news in a given year for good or bad. Now, like so much in our lives, the device is simply used to sell more magazines. Heck, Hitler (rightly) won twice, but you won't see Osama Bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad winning because they have a bad q-rating. I guess if everyone who won buys the magazine, it will be the best selling issue ever.

Look I agree with TO when he says "I love me some me," but this year's award is just plain lame.


Blogger A. J. Simon said...

My mom is going to be insufferable after picking up her third Person of the Year, joining her People 25 and Under win in 1966 and her American Women win in 1975. I think being anti-Vietnam probably knocked her out of the Middle Americans win in 1969, at least according to Henry Luce and his people. This year I would have voted for Mark Foley, S.R. Siddharth, or Jim Leyland.

12/18/2006 4:57 PM  

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