Pop Culture Junkette

Addicted to pop culture.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Not Really Pop Culture

This photo essay of what families in different countries eat and how much they spend on food is pretty interesting. One thing that really struck me when I was in Morocco last year was how much fresher all of the food looked than our food does. This essay bears that out.

But it's also cool to see the people and where they live.


Blogger Red Fraggle said...

This really is interesting. Coca Cola is SO ubiquitous, though. Ugh.

7/09/2007 6:49 PM  
Blogger OldIdentity said...

Very cool -- but I don't even know where some of those places are. Couldn't they have been a little more generic and a little more inclusive of different parts of the world that people have actually heard of?

7/11/2007 2:40 PM  

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