Pop Culture Junkette

Addicted to pop culture.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tiger Fug

Like Isaac, I watched a little of the U.S. Open yesterday. I was struck by how fugly Tiger was dressed.

I know a red shirt and black pants is Tiger's signature look on Sundays, but I really don't like it. Something about the bold, harsh colors looks really out of place on a golf course. He looks like he should be working a Pizza Hut or something.

But this particular combo -- the muscle mock turtle neck and pleated pants. Egad, he looked horrible. It really showed how much he has bulked up over the years, which in my mind, is not a good development aesthetically.

By contrast, I thought that Aaron Baddeley looked adorable.

Cute checked pants! Nice earth toned shirt. Not too muscular. Of course, he was very difficult to watch for other, non-clothing-related, reasons.

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